Photo credits: Simos Batzakis
HASENHERZ-Screening with Catherine Yass at On the Borders of the Unknown, April 25, 2015.
A performance between agitated thinking, writing and speaking in an unstable equilibrium.
Performance by Charlotte Hug at Navigating in the Unknown, Monday 11 May, 2015.
More than ever before, our world appears to us as an animistic world, as a reality in which basically everything – things, plants, machines – can be experienced as animate in some form or another and, accordingly, as alive.
The process of slipping into dizzying freefall, of sliding into uncertainty, becoming stuck, losing one’s way, giving up are as much actions as occurrences, both active and passive. Dizziness is a midway state at the point where everything and nothing seems possible, where certainty and uncertainty are in superposition, marked by an increasing loss of control.
Closing event of the ASF hub, including presentations of all projects and an artwork of the accompanying artistic research.