University of Applied Arts, Vienna
Zentrum Fokus Forschung
Rustenschacherallee 2-4
1020 Wien
Come Together
18 April 2024, 18:00-20:00
19 April 2024, by arrangement
As we conclude our artistic research project Navigating Dizziness Together, we are excited to showcase our spatial audio installation On Certain Groundlessness, which we created in collaboration with Sergio Edelsztein at Zentrum Fokus Forschung, University of Applied Arts, Vienna. Come by and enjoy dizziness in a pile of cushions.
Many thanks to all who contributed to this PodArt: Gloria Benedikt, Katrin Bucher-Trantow, Michael Butter, Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha, Davide Deriu, Tim Etchells, Karoline Feyertag, Dani Gal, María Auxiliadora Gálvez Pérez, David Grubbs, Ran Holtzmann, Anna Kim, Gal Kronenberg, Philippe-Alain Michaud, Philippe Narval, Dan Novy, Alice Pechriggl, Letizia Ragaglia, Evdokia Romanova, Grace Samboh, Katja Schechtner, Başak Şenova, Ben Spatz, Trevor Paglen, Ursula Prutsch, Angelos Varvarousis, Ilan Volkov, and others.
You can read more about the project here.