© FORUM 20:17
Hub 37 – Soziale Neztwerkstelle
Otto-Huber-Straße 37
I-39012 Meran
The FORUM 20:17 wants to bring up the social and cultural change of the global societies and the associated need for orientation of young people in the new form of a future laboratory as well as the associated need for shaping open and associative youth work. This should facilitate the development of sustainable positions.
Participants invited are decision-makers and heads of institutions of youth work in Austria and South Tyrol.
→ Gerald Koller, Forum Lebensqualität Österreich
→ Martin Schenk, Co-founder of Poverty Conference
→ Ruth Anderwald, artistic researcher
→ Martin Schuster, mayor of Perchtoldsdorf
→ buero bauer, design studio for visual communcication
→ Beate Winkler, artist and human rights activist
→ Hermann Gams, Dream Academia
— See also Der Taumel – eine Ressource?