© Kunsthaus Graz © Ben Russell
The one-day symposium titled Agents of Confusion! brings together artistic and cross-disciplinary research on dizziness, with speakers from the fields of philosophy, visual arts, creativity research and cultural studies in the form of screenings, artists’ talks, lectures and discussions.
The process of slipping into dizzying freefall, of sliding into uncertainty, becoming stuck, losing one’s way, giving up are as much actions as occurrences, both active and passive. Dizziness is a midway state at the point where everything and nothing seems possible, where certainty and uncertainty are in superposition, marked by an increasing loss of control. What potential for action is there here, in a system that is out of kilter? What does taking a step here mean? Or formulating a thought, daring to have an idea?
Kunsthaus Graz
Lendkai 1, 8020 Graz,
T +43-316/8017-9200
Price: free of charge
Registration: no registration necessary
10:00 Welcome
Barbara Steiner, Head, Kunsthaus Graz, and Katrin Bucher Trantow, Chief Curator, Kunsthaus Graz
10:20 – 11:00 Defining Dizziness
On Dizziness—A Resource, Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond
Locating Vertigo. An experimental History of Spatial Confusion, Rebekka Ladewig
Break 11:20 – 12:45 Falling into Dizziness
Trying To Survive, Anna Jermolaewa (video screening)
Balance and Anxiety, Matti Mintz
High Wire, Catherine Yass (video screening)
Vertigo in the City, Davide Deriu
Vertigo and Balance, Franz Schautzer
Break 13:00 – 14:20 Potential for Creativity
Introduction of the Competition and Survey ‘Living in a Dizzying World’, Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond
W O W, Victoria Schmid (video screening)
Vestibular Variable, Brandon Walley (video screening)
Dizziness in the Creative Process – an Experience Sampling Study, Mathias Benedek,
Speed of Life, Michaela Schwentner (video screening)
Panel Discussion: Mathias Benedek, Katrin Bucher Trantow, Sergio Edelsztein, Victor Landström, Viktoria Schmid, Michaela Schwentner, Sebastian Wahlforss, Chair: Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond
Late Lunch 15:15 – 16:45 Thinking and Acting
Dizzy Mess, Vivian Ostrovsky and Ruti Gadish (video screening)
Queering Dizziness, Karoline Feyertag
Trypps , Ben Russell
Risk and Inebriation, Gerald Koller
Balanced Acts, conversation btw. Ariel Schlesinger and Sergio Edelsztein
Break 17:00 – 19:00 Concluding the Day
Dizziness and Balance, between Affect and Effect, Oliver Hangl, Vivian Ostrovsky, Oliver Ressler, Ariel Schlesinger, Ben Russell, Esther Stocker, Chair: Katrin Bucher Trantow
Trying To Survive, Anna Jermolaewa (video screening)
Resumée, Karoline Feyertag followed by:
Open Discussion with Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond, Mathias Benedek, Katrin Bucher Trantow, Davide Deriu, Sergio Edelsztein, Rebekka Ladewig, Matti Mintz, Franz Schautzer, Chair: Karoline Feyertag
End of the Day: Informal Discussions, Drinks Participants:
In cooperation with the Institute for Psychology, University of Graz. Supported by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Dizziness - A Resource (FWF-PEEK) and the David Herzog Fund of the Styrian Universities.