2017 © Forum 20:17
Ruth Anderwald: Der Taumel – eine Ressource?, lecture in German at Forum 20:17, Zukunftslabor der Jugendarbeit.
9–10 October, 2017
Merano, Italy
With psychoanalysis, we should listen to dizziness: to find rhythms and tempos of the unconscious. Other senses in the nonsense. Triggering — dizziness allows talking; and a change in perspective, if heard. Colliding, conflicting trajectories in intense multiplicity could lead to the shape-shifting of lives, and institutions. What can be heard in Yukio Mishima’s and Gustav von Aschenbach’s dizziness?
We use the term coalescence to describe a moment where a multitude of actors come together, act together, and merge into a collective movement, body, or unit. The resulting situation is a shared but divergent somatic, spatial and cognitive experience of togetherness that is experienced as fertile and generative by all or most of the collective.
How does an artist live and work in isolation? How can he/she follow up on exhibition commitments? What kind of artistic strategies should be developed in order to maintain a presence and contact with the public in this situation? What would then be the role of the curator, and of the institution in general, in extreme situations where mobility is imperiled?