Zentrum Fokus Forschung
University of Apllied Arts Vienna
Rustenschacherallee 2-4
1020 Vienna
13-15 November 2023
From 13 – 15 November 2023, the kick-off for the research and infrastructure project ÆSR Lab – Applied/Experimental Sound Research Laboratory will take place at the Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab (AIL) as well as at the Zentrum Fokus Forschung of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
The ÆSR Lab is a sound research laboratory at the interface of art and science that fosters interdisciplinary research and artistic creation, supports the development and testing of new technologies and provides infrastructure for research activities. The focus of the ÆSR Lab is on topics in the field of experimental sound research, such as machine learning, field recording methods, architectural sound design (spatialisation) or references to the physical world by means of sensors and actuators. At the same time, the interface from analogue to digital is being explored via the conservation, restoration and digitisation of sound carriers. The ÆSR Lab will be implemented over the next three years. […]
13. November 2024
On Certain Groundlessness – Navigating Dizziness Together
Dizziness is more than feeling dizzy. Conceptualized as an unpredictable motion, or the illusion of such motion, dizziness unbalances, bodies, systems, and environments. Not solely a theoretical concept, the physicality of the phenomenon is germane. This long-term artistic research highlights dizziness asa phenomenon of sense in terms of physiological or sensory input but also in terms of emotion, orientation, and epistemic sense-making processes. States of dizziness break up the given – be it habits, beliefs, preconceptions, or patterns – creating space and dynamics between established categories, habits, and perceived oppositions. The lecture introduces the long-term artistic research on dizziness and one of its outputs, the sound installation On Certain Groundlessness.