photo © Håkan Larsson
University of Applied Arts, Vienna
Zentrum Fokus Forschung
Rustenschacherallee 2-4
1020 Wien
Book Presentation and Discussion
24 May 2023, 19:00
In his new book, On Balance: Architecture and Vertigo (Lund Humphries 2023), architectural theorist and historian Davide Deriu reflects on the precarious equilibrium at the heart of contemporary cities, where the drive to conquer ever greater heights has reconfigured our notion of abyss. Exploring the spatial thrills as well as anxieties associated with vertigo, the book traces how different subjects experience, represent and transgress buildings and the spaces in between. This broad-ranging exploration of vertigo reveals architecture to be central to our perception of balance at multiple sensory, spatial, and social level, and sheds a different light on urban design processes and their consequences.
The book presentation and discussion with architect Martin Haller (Caramel Architects Vienna) and the audience will be followed by a drinks reception in the garden of ZFF.