My Frontier Is an Endless Wall of Points (after the mescaline drawings of Henri Michaux), 2007 © Joachim Koester
“My Frontier Is an Endless Wall of Points is a film animation created from the mescaline drawings of Henri Michaux. Of all Michaux’s work, these drawings are most frequently described as ‘a venture into foreign territory.’ They are seen as an exploration of a vast world on the borderline of words. My work is an attempt to literally animate this idea. I examine the traces of this journey in a series of rapidly moving images, making what could be termed a psychedelic documentary.”
Joachim Koester, 2007.
My Frontier Is an Endless Wall of Points (after the mescaline drawings of Henri Michaux)
2007, 16mm installation, b/w, silent, 10′ 24″