2014 © Anderwald + Grond
What is an Out of Body Experience?Conversation with Joachim Koester in a courtyard in Berlin, September 14th, 2014.
Indeed, dizziness is more than feeling dizzy. Contributions by artists, researchers from experimental sciences as well as cultural studies, and philosophers trace dizziness not only as a phenomenon of physiological, emotional, and cognitive processes but highlight the transversal nature of the phenomenon.
The question of art’s ability to speak to that which is unknowable, unspeakable and alien has been a long tradition held in Romanticism and Realism, the former being associated with the subjective physiologies of the individual and the latter being associated with more objective and scientific aims.
The symposium 'Between Images' explores contemporary artistic perspectives on the period after World War II. The invited artists of the symposium will use various media to approach the question of how it was possible to live together after the disillusionment of the lost war.