2014 © Anderwald + Grond
What is an Out of Body Experience?Conversation with Joachim Koester in a courtyard in Berlin, September 14th, 2014.
My agents of confusion!
This etymological kinship with water seems to be another hint to the watery depths through which we have to make our “way”, our “poros”, when we experience dizziness.
The initial idea to make a portrait of Charles Blondin, the famed tightrope walker and ropedancer of the 19th century, developed into a reflection of and fascination of the abyss and the abyssal.
“As agents of confusion you precede the agents of change”, claims the hermaphrodite being ‘Dizziness’ in Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond’s film.
This working symposium aims to discuss ways of localizing, recognizing, approaching, and countering dizziness on different scales and disciplines – from the somatic to the built environment to interspecies and post-colonial contexts.
Présentation du numéro 46 de Artpress2 'Philosophie de François Jullien. Des concepts proposés à l'art'