© Laura Brechmann
Zentrum Fokus ForschungRustenschacherallee 2-41020 Vienna
— See also Fairground Ride Dizziness-Choir.
— See also Fairground Ride Dizziness-Choir: Language Arts Texts.
An excerpt of conversations between Dorothea Born, the coordinator of the ASF hub, and Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond.
Dizziness has a positive connotation for me, if it creates confusion in me and raises questions as to whether the project, the idea will work.
I am following an invitation. Here we start.
The Europe we inhabit today developed as a project in resistance to its past fascisms. But are fascisms only found in the past? This day-long workshop and exchange meeting explores resistance against fascisms as a performative, artistic, cultural, digital and educational instrument of realizing (European) community.
This book launch will feature Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond, who will introduce the book and their eponymous artistic research project, and Sergio Edelsztein, collaborator of the artistic research 'Dizziness – A Resource'. In 2016 he co-hosted a three-day event at the CCA, where Maya M. Shmailov participated with a lecture.
Can dizziness be a resource? What remains after unsettledness and disorientation? And how can we see communities find their balance in uncertain situations? Particularly now, in times of ubiquitous invocations of global crisis, these questions of collective balancing and balancing collectives are more relevant than ever.