© Laura Brechmann
Zentrum Fokus Forschung
Rustenschacherallee 2-4
1020 Vienna
— See also Fairground Ride Dizziness-Choir.
— See also Fairground Ride Dizziness-Choir: Language Arts Texts.
With psychoanalysis, we should listen to dizziness: to find rhythms and tempos of the unconscious. Other senses in the nonsense. Triggering — dizziness allows talking; and a change in perspective, if heard. Colliding, conflicting trajectories in intense multiplicity could lead to the shape-shifting of lives, and institutions. What can be heard in Yukio Mishima’s and Gustav von Aschenbach’s dizziness?
Until the end of 2023, "Navigating Dizziness Together" is accompanying the "Action for Sustainable Future hub", who supports projects on sustainability at the intersection of science, society, and art.
The Europe we inhabit today developed as a project in resistance to its past fascisms. But are fascisms only found in the past? This day-long workshop and exchange meeting explores resistance against fascisms as a performative, artistic, cultural, digital and educational instrument of realizing (European) community.