© Laura Brechmann
Zentrum Fokus Forschung
Rustenschacherallee 2-4
1020 Vienna
— See also Fairground Ride Dizziness-Choir.
— See also Fairground Ride Dizziness-Choir: Language Arts Texts.
If we look at the history of analogue cinema, of cinema projected from film, perhaps we can take the question of vertigo as a red thread.
The Europe we inhabit today developed as a project in resistance to its past fascisms. But are fascisms only found in the past? This day-long workshop and exchange meeting explores resistance against fascisms as a performative, artistic, cultural, digital and educational instrument of realizing (European) community.
Museums have undergone significant changes in the last decades as many have shifted their focus from institutions representing the past to functioning as platforms for transformation and as sites for civic engagement.
We differentiated the word sense into three transversal fields to define dizziness: sensory input (stands for the corporeal aspect of dizziness), emotion (the emotional spectrum of dizziness), and meaning. Along these three transversal fields of sense, we will discuss the phenomenon and concept of dizziness, bringing together different disciplinary viewpoints and connections to verticality.