© Berlin Critics' Week Film still © Alexandre Koberidze
Rosenthaler Straße 40/4110178 Berlin
0049 30 283 46 03
Alexandre Koberidze films an utopian dream with his cell phone camera. A young man sets out to become a dancer, a policeman means to guard him from prostitution. Together they meander through the dreamlkie urban Tibilisi, dodging dangerous occurences, lovingly and reminiscing — of the war, of their roots, of unfulfilled promises.
Confronting the cinematic image is always associated with a certain loss of control. The avantgarde could not have made this relation more explicit. What makes our heads spin, we ask, and what state of mind is vertigo?
Guests: Ruth Anderwald, artist-researcher and curator; Pip Chodorov, filmmaker and distributor; Alexandre Koberidze, directorChair: Dennis Vetter, film curator