photo © Håkan Larsson
University of Applied Arts, Vienna
Zentrum Fokus Forschung
Rustenschacherallee 2-4
1020 Wien
07 April 2022, 18:00 – 19:30 CET
Exchange & Discourse
08 April 2022, 09:30 – 12:30 CET
Please contact zff@uni-ak.ac.at if you want to join the impulse performance on April 7 and the workshop sessions on April 8, 2022!
with Efva Lilja.
Choreography is a coward’s excuse for control
Choreography is a futile attempt at seizing power
Choreography is a denial of reality
Choreography is for the scared
Choreography is a tool for the brave to face the unpredictable
Choreography is to tackle the insufficiencies of living
Choreography is a way of bringing order to chaos
Choreography is beauty in form and sense
Think, Talk, Act and Enjoy!
The concept of language is manifested in words. Beyond what is said there is nothing. Or is there? Words are used to manifest power. Words are there to be claimed. As for myself, I trust the unspoken, yet talking. I focus my listening on all that is beyond words, underneath the surface. The beauty with art is this invitation to share the unspoken, a moment, an event, a thought, an activity in common sharing to reveal hidden narratives. I challenge your curiosity and invite you to a dialogue in movements, in images, in words. Let’s get together and think, talk, act, and enjoy!
Understanding Practice is a new event series hosted by the ZFF and the PhD in Art Program. With our renowned guests, we explore their respective practices and experiences, questioning the possibilities of understanding and practising art and research together. In both a staged performance or lecture and a conversational workshop and exchange format, we will dive into different perspectives of art and research. This approach allows for an encounter with the work of the invited guests, as well as a joint reflection of their practice and its specific challenges and implications.