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German - English by Fiona Elliott, Edinburgh:
das Taumeln – dizziness (German “au” rhymes with English “now”)taumeln – to lurch, stagger, reel, teeter, tumble, flounder, fall, feel dizzyder Rausch – intoxication, inebriation, rush, rapture, exhilaration, ecstasy, high, deliriumdas Rauschen – noise, static, swishing, whooshing noiserauschen – to rustle, make a rushing soundschwindlig – giddy, feeling light-headed, having a sensation of floating or spinning
French by Karoline Feyertag, Vienna:
Tituber is a verb that describes the physical movement of stumbling and the sensation of dizziness, as in a drunken state, and is also used in a metaphorical sense.Tourbillon as a noun describes circular or helicoid air turbulence and is also used in a metaphorical sense.Étourdissement as a noun refers to the feeling of shock and to the troubles and vertigo a person can sense, as an effect of moral or physical shock. Trouble stems etymologically from the Latin verb turbulare and turbidus (translated into French by troublé, agité, boulversé and désemparé). The connection to the meanings of turning, stumbling, churning, stirring up or revolving, as associated with dizziness and Taumel seems obvious. Turbulentus also refers to a jester and a turbulent movement.
Turkish by Merve Elveren, Istanbul:
Baş dönmesi is physical dizziness.The Turkish word baş dönmesi also means:– to suffocate from a situation– to be mesmerized by too much money or something/someplace magnificentSarhoşluk is drunkenness.Hezeyan or heyecanlılık means excitableness.
Hebrew by Tal Yahas, Tel Aviv:
סחרחורת Scharchoret means either physical and/or mental dizziness.
German by Kathrin Wojtowicz, Vienna:
The German expression Taumel derives from the Low German word düsig, dusel (to be dizzy) and is related to the German term Tor (fool), and the Indo-European dhwes (to breathe smoke).Find more details under Terminological aspects of dizziness/Taumel.