Ihr in Premantura, 1999-2003 © Anderwald + Grond © Anderwald + Grond
From resurgere stems another English word: to surgeIt originates from “to ride” (at anchor), probably in part from Middle French sourgir to cast anchor, land, from Catalan surgir to heave, cast anchor, from Latin surgere to rise, spring up; from sub- up + regere to lead straight; in part from Latin surgere.
This etymological kinship with water seems to be another hint to the watery depths through which we have to make our “way”, our “poros”, when we experience dizziness. “Resource” is not to be understood merely as a “source of supply or support” in a material sense, but as the “ability to meet and handle a situation” as well (see below the full definition). Dizziness as a resource could be turned upside down: Resource as dizziness.
Full Definition of resource a : a source of supply or support : an available means — usually used in pluralb : a natural source of wealth or revenue — often used in pluralc : a natural feature or phenomenon that enhances the quality of human lifed : computable wealth — usually used in plurale : a source of information or expertise2 : something to which one has recourse in difficulty: expedient3 : a possibility of relief or recovery4 : a means of spending one’s leisure time5 : an ability to meet and handle a situation: resourcefulness
(Definition and etymological aspects quoted from: http://www.merriam-webster.com)
– Sea also The unexplained “Rest”.