SeaM - Studio für elektroakustische Musik: Coudraystraße 13a
Dekanat Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7
99423 Weimar
This contribution explores the reaction to the climate crisis from the concept of dizziness, framing the climate crisis as the greatest instants of dizziness and anxiety today. Climate anxiety threatens to stifle and petrify emerging action. Drawing from Søren Kierkegaard’s concept of anxiety as the reflection of freedom for possibility and action is the outset of this artistic research reflection. Thinking dizziness with Kierkegaard allows us to understand states of dizziness and anxiety as providing the possibility of possibilities, creating a compossible space. Based on the concept of the compossible space and augmenting this concept by involving the fields of somaesthetics and somatic practices, such as Feldenkrais, this contribution traces dizziness, anxiety, uncertainty, and unpredictability as the core of an intra-active growing together, based on the premise that animate beings and inanimate elements permeate and co-constitute each other.
13th SAR Conference 2022 Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
The SAR 2022 conference presented the state of the art in Artistic Research, as critically responding to the Frascati Manual and the Vienna Declaration on Artistic Research: excellent research through means of high-level artistic practice and reflection; an epistemic inquiry, directed towards increasing knowledge, insight, understanding and skills. The declaration also states that artistic research fulfills the five criteria for research as defined in the OECD framework document for research, the Frascati Mnual. With this document, the artistic research community has taken an important step towards a broader recognition of artistic research worldwide. The SAR 2022 conference program aimed at giving special attention to creating spaces of inclusivity and diversity. Submissions from persons of colour, with disabilities, and from LGBTQIA+ communities were especially encouraged.