Dizzy Mess’, Vivian Ostrovsky and Ruti Gadish, 2017 © Anderwald + Grond © Catherine Yass
© Universalmuseum Joanneum
These are the recordings of our one-day symposium Agents of Confusion! at Kunsthaus Graz, that brought together artistic and academic research on dizziness, with speakers from the fields of philosophy, visual arts, creativity research, psychobiology, medicine, architecture and cultural studies in the form of screenings, artists’ talks, lectures and discussions.Thank you so much for your engagement, openess and energy to outline and discuss dizziness throughout these disciplines.
With contributions by: Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond, artists, curators, artistic researchers, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna; Mathias Benedek, Institute for Psychology, University of Graz; Katrin Bucher Trantow, Chief Curator, Kunsthaus Graz; Davide Deriu, Reader, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, University of Westminster; Sergio Edelsztein, Director of CCA, Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Karoline Feyertag, Philosopher and Essayist, Vienna, Klagenfurt; Ruti Gadish, Visual Artist, Tel Aviv, Paris; Oliver Hangl, Performance Artist, Vienna; Gerald Koller, Risk and Inebriation Pedagogue, risflecting.at; Rebekka Ladewig, Chair of Theory of Media Worlds, Bauhaus University Weimar; Viktor Landström + Sebastian Wahlforss, Visual Artists, Malmø; Matti Mintz, Professor of Psychobiology, Department of Psychology, Tel Aviv University; Vivian Ostrovsky, Visual Artist, Tel Aviv, Paris, Miami; Oliver Ressler, Artistic Researcher and Visual Artist, Vienna; Ben Russell, Media Artist and Curator, Los Angeles; Franz Schautzer, Head of Vertigo Ambulance, Department of Neurology and Psychosomatic Medicine, Landeskrankenhaus Villach; Ariel Schlesinger, Visual Artist, Mexico City, Berlin; Viktoria Schmid, Visual Artist, Vienna; Michaela Schwentner, Visual Artist, Vienna; Esther Stocker, Visual Artist, Vienna.
– See also Agents of Confusion.