2008 © Catherine Yass
Catherine Yass speaks about the dream of walking in the air and about falling.
– See also Catherine Yass, HASENHERZ.
– See also Descent and High Wire.
‘Dizziness’ implies notions of physical and emotional disequilibrium, staggering, confusion, uncertainty, and turmoil. This article discusses dizziness as a possible resource for creativity including the concept of the ‘compossible space’.
The artist creates blocs of percepts and affects, but the only law of creation is that the compound must stand up on its own.
Throughout the main body of his original 1927 paper, written in German, Heisenberg used the word, "Ungenauigkeit" ("indeterminacy"), to describe the basic theoretical principle. Only in the endnote did he switch to the word, "Unsicherheit" ("uncertainty")
The blurring of art’s boundaries enables it to cross-pollinate and conquer new territories.
The photo installation “Horizon in Motion” by Anderwald + Grond on the glass façade of the CCA, Congress Centre Alpbach plays with the figur of Atlas.
The one-day symposium titled ‘Agents of Confusion!’ brings together artistic and cross-disciplinary research on dizziness, with speakers from the fields of philosophy, visual arts, creativity research and cultural studies in the form of screenings, artists’ talks, lectures and discussions.