2015 © Anderwald + Grond
Booklet: 48 pages, 13,0 × 21,0 cm, colourEdition: 100, numbered and signed, 50 €
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Two entangled particles are linked in such a way that the state of one of them determines the state of the other. Have you ever heard how identical twins say they can tell when the other one has been hurt? I’ve no idea how true this is for humans but with particles, that’s kind of what entanglement is like.
Sound, growling behind the door, an unknown source of noise, the seduction growing, my whole body anticipating total surrender.
From ambigō ("wander; waver, hesitate")
Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond take Dizziness–A Resource to the classroom.
For the duration of one week, a condemned building complex in the 20th district will mutate into an experimental space for art and a newly defined cultural meeting place.
Can dizziness be a resource? What remains after unsettledness and disorientation? And how can we see communities find their balance in uncertain situations? Particularly now, in times of ubiquitous invocations of global crisis, these questions of collective balancing and balancing collectives are more relevant than ever.