2015 © Anderwald + Grond
Booklet: 48 pages, 13,0 × 21,0 cm, colourEdition: 100, numbered and signed, 50 €
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These two dimensions are often presented as 'axes', where the horizontal axis is the syntagmatic and the vertical axis is the paradigmatic.
Both notions seem crucial when thinking of the catalysts for dizziness. Reaching one’s own limit makes one dizzy. Crossing a threshold, which is understood as a symbol for ending something and beginning something new, could begin within dizziness but also end with lucidity.
The Greek word a-poria can be separated into its two morphemes a- and poros (“without” and “passage”). Poros has a wide range of meanings, including way out and expedient.
The Europe we inhabit today developed as a project in resistance to its past fascisms. But are fascisms only found in the past? This day-long workshop and exchange meeting explores resistance against fascisms as a performative, artistic, cultural, digital and educational instrument of realizing (European) community.
Can dizziness be a resource? What remains from states of precariousness, uncertainty, disorientation, intoxication or exhilaration? Particularly now, in these times of invocations of global crisis, these questions are more relevant than ever. The exhibition ‘Dizziness. Navigating the Unknown’ locates dizziness in artistic creativity, finding it in situations of unbalance, confusion, disorientation
The blurring of art’s boundaries enables it to cross-pollinate and conquer new territories.